Inside Intelligencia AI: A Day in The Life With Dorita, Business Development Associate

We never tire of mentioning how instrumental our people are to our success—because it is so incredibly true. Everything we have achieved and continue to do at Intelligencia AI and in the industry is because of our dedicated, intelligent, motivated professionals who tackle challenges and spot areas of opportunity every day with enthusiasm, creativity and the dogged determination needed to raise the bar.

But our people are more than just senior developers, customer experience experts or machine learning gurus; they are exceptional, unique and interesting individuals we want you to get to know.

Throughout our “Day in the Life” blog series, we’ll introduce you to our global team and introduce you to the intelligence – our people – behind Intelligencia AI.

Our next profile is with one of our business development associates, Dorita Metallinou. Like many others, Dorita discovered Intelligencia AI and her role via LinkedIn. Connect with her on LinkedIn and read the Q&A below to learn more. 

When did you start at Intelligencia AI? And how did you find out about the company and role?

I started working at Intelligenica AI in March of 2022, where I was hired as a scientific associate with the clinical data excellence team. I recently transitioned to a business development associate role in early February 2024. I discovered Intelligencia AI through LinkedIn and was fascinated by the company’s mission of de-risking drug development. 

What inspired you to say ‘yes’ to your first role at Intelligencia AI?

Before I joined Intelligencia AI, I coordinated clinical trials within the hospital as a clinical trial coordinator. While I enjoyed my work, I wanted to explore new opportunities that still connected to the clinical trial field. When I came across Intelligencia AI through LinkedIn, I was fascinated by its approach to accelerating the drug development process. The idea of helping pharmaceutical companies make more informed decisions and accelerate medicine delivery to patients inspired me to accept my first role.

Can you briefly explain your role and what your day could look like?

I start my day prospecting potential contacts on LinkedIn and adding them directly to our customer relationship management software. I create weekly reports to track our progress, including the number of deals initiated, those that have advanced to the next stage, and other relevant metrics. I also collaborate with the marketing team on complementary projects and support various marketing campaigns. My afternoons typically involve meeting with the BD team and preparing decks for upcoming calls or other projects. As conferences approach, I work closely with my counterpart Angeliki to prepare materials and manage the attendee list.

What is the most rewarding part of your role? 

As a business development associate, I find it most rewarding to bring value to our customers by understanding their unique needs and working with them to identify the best possible solution that aligns perfectly with their goals. While it’s easy to claim we have a great platform, what drives me is engaging with our customers, building meaningful relationships and helping them find the solutions they need.

Which one of our core company values resonates with you the most?

I would choose our company’s value of caring because it’s why I joined Intelligencia AI, and it’s a big part of why I enjoy working here. When I first joined this company, everyone was very welcoming. I can truly say that the people here really care about each other, and it feels like we are one big family. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t be afraid to try new things and embrace learning from different perspectives beyond what you already know. 

Tell us more about yourself outside of your work life. 

  • What is one thing that you always have in your refrigerator or pantry? Dark chocolate
  • First music concert you went to? Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Last place you traveled to? A small Greek island called Astypalaia
  • If you had to pick one, beach or mountains? Beach
  • Favorite sport? Tennis
  • How do you enjoy spending your time when you are not at work? Outside of work, I love going to the gym, playing tennis and spending time with my friends. Recently, I have gotten into pottery, and I absolutely love it! I’ve crafted a beautiful set of mugs, and in the future, I’d like to create plates or a vase.