Inside Intelligencia AI: A Day in The Life With Marina, Senior Scientific Associate in Clinical Data Excellence

We never tire of mentioning how instrumental our people are to our success—because it is so incredibly true. Everything we have achieved and continue to do at Intelligencia AI and in the industry is because of our dedicated, intelligent, motivated professionals who tackle challenges and spot areas of opportunity every day with enthusiasm, creativity and the dogged determination needed to raise the bar. 

But our people are more than just senior developers, customer experience experts or machine learning gurus; they are exceptional, unique and interesting individuals we want you to get to know.

Throughout our “Day in the Life” blog series, we’ll introduce you to our global team and introduce you to the intelligence – our people – behind Intelligencia AI. Our next profile is with one of our Senior Scientific Associates, Marina Anastasiou. Like many others, Marina discovered Intelligencia AI and her role through word-of-mouth. Connect with her on LinkedIn and read the Q&A below to learn more.

When did you start at Intelligencia AI? And how did you find out about the company and role?

I joined Intelligencia AI in March 2022 after relocating from Boston, Massachusetts, to Chalkida, Greece. After spending five years abroad for parts of my master’s degree and PhD, I was excited about the opportunity to return to Greece and to work for a company with a mission to improve patient outcomes through innovative technology solutions. 

With no prior experience in clinical trials or AI, I was eager to expand my horizons and improve my skills. I discovered the role through LinkedIn while wrapping up a short freelance consultancy contract. I was immediately drawn to the company’s values and vision.

What inspired you to say ‘yes’ to your first role at Intelligencia AI?

What truly inspired me from the get-go was the amazing people I spoke with and their passion for their roles.  Plus, the flexibility of working and collaborating remotely was incredibly appealing as I was dealing with family-related health issues at the time. Additionally, the company’s culture of collaboration and innovation – evident to me after my first meeting –  strongly resonated with me. 

Can you briefly explain your role and what a typical day looks like?

As a senior scientific associate, I analyze primary sources, research papers, announcements and company updates on their drug pipelines and FDA documents. I then curate data from these sources into our internal database. I also collaborate with various teams within, the organization on specific projects that may need my expertise. My favorite part of the work week is expanding our processes to new therapeutic areas, allowing us to provide risk assessments for more indications with ongoing clinical trials. 

My typical day starts with enjoying my morning coffee and spending time with my dog, Aristos. Since my meetings usually begin later in the day, I use the morning to read and prepare for ongoing tasks. Throughout the week, I participate in numerous meetings, curate data, engage with clients, and dedicate time to building relationships with my colleagues.

What’s your favorite part of your role and working at Intelligencia AI?

You might know the tale of a group of fishermen who went out to sea in their small boats. Individually, they struggled to catch enough fish. One day, they decided to cast a large net together, encircling a school of fish. By working together, they caught far more fish than they ever could alone. 

That story describes how I feel every day in this company. We learn from one another. We team up using our different expertise, and because of that, our efforts pay off. Teamwork multiplies success, and over time, you get a best-in-class product that makes a difference in healthcare.

I also appreciate my role’s flexibility, which allows for a great work-life balance. My favorite part of working in this company is belonging to an amazing team and building strong professional and deep personal relationships. 

What is the most rewarding part of your role?

The most rewarding part of my role is seeing newer associates do well and excel within the company and beyond. 

I also find working remotely a majority of the time to be beneficial. Work-life balance is like sailing a ship; adjusting both sails (work and personal life) ensures a smooth and steady journey. Focusing too much on one sail makes the ship unstable. Balancing both sails leads to stability and a fulfilling voyage. I find it way easier to strike that balance while working remotely in a company that also promotes a stress-free work environment. 

Which one of our core company values resonates with you the most?

The value of “build together” resonates deeply with me as I believe I am part of one of the best teams I’ll ever work with. Our values are deeply ingrained and shape how we interact with each other, our customers and external partners.

What would you say if you were to describe Intelligencia AI to your closest family and friends?  

I describe Intelligencia AI as a dynamic and innovative company dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes through advanced AI solutions.  But most of my friends and my family still don’t fully grasp what that means. It’s tough for them to pinpoint what we do. 

So, when they ask me to explain further, I tell them that what we do is try to look at clinical trial pipelines like a giant puzzle to solve, but sometimes it’s really complicated and has lots of pieces. Clinical trial risk assessment using AI is like having a super-well-versed puzzle solver sitting next to you as you put the puzzle pieces together. Your buddy is there to help you figure out where the pieces go and if they even belong in that puzzle altogether. I help train that super puzzle solver by teaching it how to put together the pieces correctly. 

What accomplishment have you been most proud of since working with Intelligencia AI?

My proudest moment was during my early days at the company when a colleague agreed with me on a controversial topic. As I was still finding my footing in this new environment, having his support was incredible. It may have seemed small, but it meant a lot to me.

What advice would you share with someone wanting a career in AI, tech, and life sciences?

My advice would be to stay curious and continue your eagerness to learn. The fields of AI, tech, and life sciences continue to evolve and being open to new knowledge and experiences rapidly is crucial. Most importantly, focus on building a solid network and finding mentors to guide you through your career journey.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to learn to be more patient and not get so frustrated with milestone delays and situational failures. Persistence and endurance bring rewards beyond measure, either irrespective of or sometimes because of small setbacks along the way. I would also tell her to wear sunscreen and not overthink every little thing.

What skills have you developed and honed since joining Intelligencia AI? How has the culture here helped you grow personally and professionally?

Since joining Intelligencia AI, I have developed stronger leadership skills and am working on developing my strategic planning skills. The collaborative culture here has also helped me improve my ability to work effectively across diverse teams and understand different perspectives, which is crucial for driving successful initiatives. I am also currently expanding my data analysis skill set.

Tell us more about yourself outside of your work life.

  • Favorite quote to live by: “Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes, you are ready.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • Last place you traveled to: Skiathos, Greece and Turkey
  • Favorite meal: Pesto pasta with olive oil and basil 
  • First music concert you attended: My parents took me to an amateur tambourine and clarinet concert when I was around two. 
  • Dream destination: The island I already live on, Euboea in Greece and the island of Kythera. 

Hobbies and what you like to do outside of work: 

In my free time, I’m an avid reader and thoroughly enjoy immersing myself in books. I also have a passion for writing in both Greek and English. Additionally, I love spending time outdoors, connecting with nature. I even have my own olive trees, and it’s incredibly rewarding to produce my own oil.