Inside Intelligencia AI: A Day in The Life With Eleni, Scientific Associate in Clinical Data Excellence

We never tire of mentioning how instrumental our people are to our success—because it is so incredibly true. Everything we have achieved and continue to do at Intelligencia AI and in the industry is because of our dedicated, intelligent, motivated professionals who tackle challenges and spot areas of opportunity every day with enthusiasm, creativity and the dogged determination needed to raise the bar.

But our people are more than just senior developers, customer experience experts or machine learning gurus; they are exceptional, unique and interesting individuals we want you to get to know.

Throughout our “Day in the Life” blog series, we’ll introduce you to our global team and introduce you to the intelligence – our people – behind Intelligencia AI.

Our second profile is with one of our scientific associates, Eleni Zervopoulou. Like many others, Eleni discovered Intelligencia AI and her role when our HR team reached out via LinkedIn. Connect with her on LinkedIn and read the Q&A below to learn more. 

When did you start at Intelligencia AI? And how did you find out about the company and role?

I joined Intelligencia AI in November 2022. My journey with the company began earlier that summer while I was still immersed in my master’s thesis and planning to pursue a PhD. At that time, I received a message from Intelligencia AI’s HR team expressing interest in my profile. Despite being flattered, I politely declined as my path seemed set towards academia.

However, as summer drew to a close, and I completed my degree, I began reassessing my career goals. I had heard great things about Intelligencia AI from fellow employees and started to rethink my priorities. The prospect of achieving a better work-life balance and contributing more immediately to advancements in disease therapy with Intelligencia AI seemed increasingly appealing compared to the long-term research focus of a PhD.

I contacted Intelligencia AI to express my interest in the open position, and the rest is history, which demonstrates the power of keeping doors open. Joining this innovative company has been fulfilling, aligning perfectly with my values and professional aspirations.

What inspired you to say ‘yes’ to your first/current role at Intelligencia AI? 

What truly inspired me to say “yes” to my role at Intelligencia AI was the company’s meaningful purpose. Throughout my biology studies, I often felt a disconnect between my academic work and the immediate impact it could have on people’s health and therapy. Joining Intelligencia AI presented an opportunity to bridge that gap and contribute to advancements that directly benefit patients.

Additionally, the company’s innovative approach and dynamic environment were very appealing. The chance to work with a team of talented individuals, many of whom are around my age, was incredibly motivating. It promised professional growth along with a collaborative and vibrant work culture. These factors combined made saying “yes” to Intelligencia AI an easy and exciting decision.

Can you share a bit more about your role and what your day often looks like?

As a scientific associate, my day starts early. My primary responsibilities include data capture and collaboration with my team through regularly scheduled meetings. My days can vary significantly; some are very busy, while others allow me to expand my knowledge of therapeutic areas and take time to read and research the latest and greatest in the scientific and pharmaceutical industries. This blend of routine and variety keeps the role dynamic and continuously interesting.

One of our core company values is “build together.” Do you have an example of this being seen in practice? 

Our therapeutic area expansion into the central nervous system (CNS), where I am deeply involved, very well illustrates and captures our value of “we build together.” As a member of the CNS team, I work closely with the preparation team to set up new indications. We conduct thorough background research and explore methods for improved data capture. During the data-capturing phase, I am responsible for addressing and answering questions from the rest of the team. This process exemplifies our commitment to working together towards a common goal.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

It would be advice from Patricia Ryan Madson’s Improv Wisdom. In this book, she says: When you make a mistake, turn your attention to what comes next. Focus on doing that well, with a full mind and heart. Look ahead, not back. 

What skills have you developed, honed, or started to build since joining Intelligencia AI? How has your role and the culture here helped you grow personally and professionally? 

Being part of a team and frequently involved in decision-making has significantly enhanced my ability to listen to diverse viewpoints and remain open-minded. This environment has taught me the importance of stepping back during discussions, improving my communication skills and making me a more effective team player. Working closely with my colleagues on projects like the CNS therapeutic area expansion has also deepened my research skills and enhanced my ability to contribute meaningfully to complex initiatives. The supportive and inclusive culture here has been instrumental in my continuous development.

Tell us more about yourself outside of your work life. 

  • Favorite quote to live by: “I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.” – Jana Stanfield, a humorist, songwriter and educator. 
  • Pets: I don’t currently have one, but I would love to adopt a cat in the future.
  • Dream destination: Thailand
  • Movie you can watch on repeat: Mamma Mia
  • Beach or mountains: Mountains

How do you enjoy spending your time when you are not at work?

I enjoy many activities, such as reading, drawing, practicing yoga, dancing and birdwatching. My most recent hobby is improv, and I absolutely love it! Funny enough, I stumbled upon improv by chance while attending a show as an audience member, and I was immediately captivated by the performers’ creativity. What I love about improv is its unique blend of entertainment and artistry. It has taught me the value of embracing spontaneity and being comfortable with creating something fun on the fly.